Make Believe

I don’t want anyone to worry about me when they read this post, so I want to start out by saying everything is 100% fine, and this is not a post about any health issue of any kind. That said…

About a month ago, I got some really bad personal news. It was bad enough that I had to leave work and just go home and be sad. I told my wife about it and after a few hours of being sad together, she started asking me exactly what this new future would be like and exactly how it would affect our lives.

My reaction, as it is so often to potentially bad news was “not just yet.” I told her that I hadn’t given up and I had not accepted in my mind that this bad news was actually happening yet, even though we had just been told that it most certainly was. Even though the bad news had been presented to us as an absolute certainty, I told her that before I started planning for this new future, I wanted to do everything in my power to cause it not to happen.

Very much to my surprise, last night I was told that the bad news is no longer reality! Minds had been changed, and the course of future had been altered. Today, I woke up extremely happy and excited.

Positive thinking and envisioning the world that I wanted to create had won again.

I am a very lucky person. I’m married to the coolest girl I’ve ever met, and I have three fantastic kids. I live in a town I love, and I have friends that I truly admire and respect. Running Techstars makes me very happy, because I get to help so many entrepreneurs every day. I have consistently been lucky in life. Not always, but usually.

And all of this was created by me, first in my mind, and second in reality.

Whenever I feel a cold coming on, I tell myself that I will not get sick. I tell myself “Self, you are not getting sick.” 8 out of 10 times, I can fight that cold off immediately. It’s not the medicine, it’s the belief that matters.

Of course, you can’t change everything in the world just by visualizing the outcome you want. But (and this is the important part) I am a firm believer that visualizing the future that you want has a profound impact on the odds of that future actually happening. It focuses your mind and brings positive energy to the situation.

I am pretty sure that this has something to do with quantum mechanics, but I’m not smart enough to know exactly why.

People say that you make your own luck. More and more I believe that this is true. I think that said a better way, in many cases you can make what you believe.

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