Aloha Summit on social media in Boulder, Oct 6-7

On October 6-8, the second Aloha Summit is happening here in Boulder, Colorado. This is an event put on by Dave Taylor and Andy Beal. The Aloha Summit is very much a one-on-one event, and only 25 attendees are accepted.

The Aloha Summit offers a “once-in-a-lifetime chance to spend two days in an intimate setting learning exactly how to use social media tools to increase your profits”, “No boring PowerPoint slides and no sales pitches”, and “A full day of teaching and a full day of consulting. Every attendee will receive one-on-one time with the experts.”

Featured participant/speakers include Om Malik, CEO of GigaOM, Biz Stone, co-founder of and Peter Shankman, founder of Help a Reporter Online, Susan Bratton of Personal Life Media, Charlene Li (co-author of Groundswell) and Roxanne Darling (host, Beachwalks With Rox).

The fee to attend is $2499, but you can use the special “Friend of David” discount code (enter “fod”) and save yourself $250. Register or learn more here if you’re interested.

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