Did you know? Tiny Twitter is so Colorado…

I think it’s cool that so many people are using Tiny Twitter. I’ve met people that didn’t even know it was home grown, here in Colorado. My buddy Kevin Cawley is the man behind this mobile Twitter client. It’s like Twitterific, but for your phone. If I had to endure a text message every time somebody tweeted (whew, had to be careful with that conjugation) I would not be a user. I have no idea how people deal with that.

Tiny Twitter solved this problem for me months ago. Since then, it’s evolved nicely and has become a pretty popular way to use Twitter on your phone. It beats the hell out of twitters default wap service if you ask me.

People generally love Tiny Twitter unless they run into one of two problems. First, T-Mobile users need to set their wap gateway (APN) to wap.voicestream.com or it just no workie. Second, some users are annoyed to death by the [tiny twitter] appendage to their tweets. You can easily turn that off in the settings, just go and look (or get the latest version).

I asked Kevin what Tiny Twitter is all about.

“I started using Twitter last November when Robert Scoble started blogging about the service, but really didn’t get hooked until after the user base started taking off after SXSW. A bunch of friends started using Twitter and I found myself tweeting &
checking in often. I turned on the Twitter SMS feature and immediately got constantly bombarded w/ the constant buzz of incoming text messages – I built Tiny Twitter as a way to solve this problem.”

I asked Kevin how popular Tiny Twitter has become.

“Not sure how many users – I don’t track any user info and don’t require any log in to get the app. I did add the tiny twitter signature to tweets to help get a feel for usage but most people turn this off. The Tiny Twitter source is also being persisted and reported by the Twitter service, but it is not yet being reported thru the Twitter API. But honestly, I am not too concerned about the download numbers… it is just a fun application that I use and put out there for others to enjoy as well!” – Kevin Cawley

Thanks Kevin. I use Tiny Twitter daily. Come to think of it, I also use NewsGator Go daily – and these are the only non-default apps I run on my phone and you’re behind them both!

I also see you tweeting daily about your “tiny twits.” 😉

file under: Blog, Startups